Développeur front-end Angular

Développeur front-end Angular

Création d’une application JavaScript en utilisant Angular
Connaissance en HTML, CSS (Bootstrap) et JavaScript
Single Page Applications with Angular 4
—– Overview of Angular 2 and the MVVM Design Pattern
—– Working with TypeScript
—– Angular 4 Modules
—– Angular 4 Components
—– Advanced Components
—– —– Component Styles using MetaData properties: Styles and StyleUrls
—– —– Change Detection Strategies
—– —– Component Lifecycle Hooks
—– Advanced Routing
—– —– Lazy-loading Angular Modules
—– —– Location Strategies
—– —– Nested or Child Routes
—– —– Route Guards
—– Advanced Dependency Injection
—– —– Providers
—– —– Using the @Optional and @Host Decorators
—– Attribute Directives
—– —– Using Built-In Directives and Filters
—– —– Creating a custom Attribute Directive
—– Defining and Consuming Services
—– The HTTP Library
—– Pipes
—– —– Built-in Pipes: Using, Passing Parameters, Chaining
—– —– Creating a custom Pipe using PipeTransform
—– —– Understanding Pure and Impure Pipes
—– Creating an Angular Application
—– —– Using the Angular CLI with Ahead-Of-Time (AOT)
—– —– Compilation and Tree-Shaking (removing unused library
—– —– code)
—– —– Using Yeoman workflow and angular-fullstack generator
—– —– Deploying a application
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